Monday, January 19, 2009

On Wednesday of this week I will be halfway through Radiation treatments. I thank the Lord no side effects so far.

Last Friday I went back to my doctor for the results of wearing the heart monitor. He explained the different graph printouts to me and apparently I have been having premature heartbeats which affect the body in various ways (PACs and PVCs for you medical types). The doctor prescribed a beta blocker medication for me which I started Saturday, and I will be seeing a cardiologist in late February. I am not that concerned about it since I’ve lived with this coming and going for many years. However, as I mentioned before, since I have had to take 2 drugs which can damage the heart, and I do have heart disease in my family history, I felt it wise to check it out. Pray with me that this will indeed pass and not be anything serious.

Going in to the Proton Treatment Center at Loma Linda University Hospital every day of the week for several weeks, one gets to know the other patients who come in for their treatments. Funny thing is I don’t know their names…I need to get that one down this week. Anyway, we chat as we wait to be called back for our treatments. I realize these folks seem to complain about things more than express gratitude for the positive things in their lives. Today when I came in a couple of them laughed and said they were just griping about something. I was able to agree with them, yet, I said, I realize I have so much to be thankful for…and they agreed with me.

We can always find things to complain about in life, even in the good times, so much more so when things are not so good. Yet I have always contended that no matter how bad things are in one’s life, there are always things for which one can thank God. And those are the things which we must turn our attention to, rather than the complaints we have (as legitimate as they may be).

As I just emailed a cousin, our paths in life may not always be rosy, but what a difference a Savior makes! I thank God I do not travel this life path alone. I walk with the sure promise of God's Presence, plus I have scores of bothers and sisters of faith to journey with me.

Got hope, will travel.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Today I had my 10th radiation treatment. I am scheduled to have a total of 32 so I am almost a third of the way through radiation therapy. After the first couple of days of measuring, X-raying, lining everything up perfectly (lots of math in this field), which took about an hour each time, it really does take only a scant 15 minutes for the three “shots” of radiation I get every day (5 days of the week). Usually when they run the radiation (three sets varying from 30 to 70 seconds each) I am asking God to make sure it kills only the cancer cells, that no other tissue is damaged, that they get me lined up perfectly, that God be merciful to me, etc.

So far I have experienced no side effects such as skin turning red, or extra tiredness, though I understand the effects are cumulative, building up over the weeks. But we are praying for minimal side effects. So we praise God for the way things are going and give Him the glory.

There is another concern though and today I went to my family doctor and he did an EKG (which was normal) and fitted me with a heart monitor for 24 hours. I have had some irregular heartbeats which cause me concern because some are more intense than I’ve ever had. I’ve had occasional incidents of irregular heartbeat for 30 years. Doctors have told me it is nothing to worry about. I had a clean bill of heart health in the work up here at Loma Linda University Medical Center before my surgeries almost a year ago. However, one of the chemo drugs I took last summer and the Herceptin I am currently receiving can cause heart damage so being aware of that, I am being cautious.

I should get the results of this 24 hour test in a couple of days. We are praying everything will be fine and this too will pass with no ill effects. We appreciate your prayers for me. I will let you know the test results.

Other than that I am doing well. I have still been able to go for my walks each day. I do tire easily yet am able to rest when needed. Since the middle of November I have not yet had to take another Mestinon for MG weakness. We continue to “sing His praises” for this and keep praying for His complete healing.

God is so good. Our hope is in Him every day. Completely.
