Thursday, March 24, 2011

Life can sometimes seem to be a series of “hurry up and wait” periods. This has seemed like one of those times. So we loosen our grip and settle back. We cannot change some things.

Randy arrived here Tuesday, March 15, to be with me as we make hard decisions. Two days later we visited my orthopedic surgeon and he confirmed (based on the PET scan results) there is damage to the upper portion of the left femur and as a protection against fracture and to eliminate the pain in my left leg, surgery to place rods in the left femur was recommended. The choice is mine, ultimately. Though it appears there is no cancer involvement, a bone biopsy would still be done during surgery.

Randy and I had a few days to consider our response since the doctor called me the day following my PET scan, giving me the results. That was fast! The scan showed there probably was not cancer in the bone, but there is some sort of damage to the bone, most likely due to Fosamax usage for over 10 years, and surgery is recommended.

We have decided to pursue getting the surgery done as soon as possible, as unpleasant as it is to contemplate. The doctor said my healing and recovery time should be faster since there is no fracture in the left leg compared to when I had a fracture to deal with in the surgery done on my right leg. The insurance, he said, with the evidence of the tests I’ve had, should pay for the surgery.

So that is where we were a few days ago. The insurance company had to review the doctor’s notes but I received a call back from the doctor’s office saying they did approve the surgery and the date has been set for April 12.

I also need a couple of units of my own blood collected in case we need it in surgery. That will put off the surgery about 3 weeks. And the issue for us in waiting, is that Randy needs to be back in WV by early May. I will need his help in the first few weeks after coming back home from the hospital so it is going to be very close. I have my first appointment today at the Blood donor center to collect the first unit of my blood.

Please pray with us that all goes well with every aspect of the pre-surgery preparation and that Randy’s time here will be all I need before he has to fly back to WV. He was such a help and comfort to me in my last surgery and initial home recovery period. I am praying I can come straight back here to (our son’s) home after 2-3 days in hospital following surgery.

I’ve struggled through some issues again, God helping me. It is never easy when these things happen to us, when hard decisions are called for, when we face pain and unpleasantness, when life takes a turn you weren’t expecting. There is help and comfort, wisdom and guidance for us when we go to the Lord, time after time. But though He is near and able to give grace, the realities still face you and you must work through each issue as it arises. And as you know, there are never any simple issues, no easy answers! We appreciate your concern and prayers for us as we continue to seek the Lord for His direction in our lives and ministry.

So, what is going on at Mustard Seeds’ headquarters in West Virginia? Our staff is once again admirably “holding down the fort”. Teams have been there this month and they still encouraged Randy to come out and be with me. When teams are in, everyone’s work load changes. The days become longer since they have to work with the teams in the evenings as well as during the days.

In May we have summer interns arriving who must be trained for the work they will do all summer in leading teams in home repair for the needy, elderly and disabled. Even now we are still in the hiring mode to have all the interns we need for the summer work load. Lacy is busy assessing homes and lining up work which will be done by the many teams coming to WV this summer. We have many youth and adult teams as well as more and more family teams.

I continue to communicate (via email and phone) with both “booked” teams and prospective teams as we move toward the summer months. It is all quite exciting when you stop and realize the potential for good all this work represents!

And we as Mustard Seeds staff continue to prepare our hearts for true revival in McDowell County, the kind God wants. We seek Him and have open ears and hearts so that He can accomplish His will through us. Pray with us to that end. Revival must always start with the ones praying for it….


Saturday, March 5, 2011

The days are warming and, in fact, Spring will officially be here in just a couple of weeks. Since arriving in southern California a few weeks ago I’ve had 7 doctor’s appointments and tests with 2 more to go next week before a 5 week hiatus with no appointments! For all these I have depended on either borrowing a son and daughter in law’s car or being driven by one of them to my appointments. I am thankful for their kind willingness to serve me in these ways. Randy plans to drive our car out here to California once again, in April, so I will have a car of our own to use.

I have my ups and downs with my legs, generally “up”. Currently I continue to be very cautious walking, especially when outdoors and on uneven ground. There is a library directly across the street from the home in which I live and it is very hard for me not to just up and walk over there! I love libraries, all the books, all the wealth of knowledge and information available. But I must consider the walk itself and my safety. I used to go on long walks all alone; now I cannot do that. Not until I have healing in these legs. I am trusting God to effect that, so that my life can move back into the area of activity I used to know.

So what do I do with my time? I have plenty to occupy myself! Among the things I do, I spend a good bit of each day on the computer in communication with teams and prospective teams for Mission as Life trips this summer, and other related aspects of it. Booking mission trips has been one of my responsibilities at Mustard Seeds and Mountains for a number of years and one which I enjoy as well. With internet access and telephone I can do this from anywhere in the world.

I often communicate with Shawna in the Mustard Seeds’ office in Elkhorn, WV. Sometimes she calls me with questions or issues related to any number of things that must be dealt with in the corporate offices of a Christian non-profit organization, and together we are able to make sure things are running properly, or I call or email her to look something up which I cannot physically do because of being here, but she can do there in the office. I call staff when they have their staff meetings so I can participate on the conference phone, one of the gadgets we also often use for Board of Directors meetings as well. Wonderful technological inventions which enable us to work together even though separated by thousands of miles.

A couple of years ago at a missions conference the hosting church Skyped a missionary couple in South Africa. So even though this couple and their children were unable to be with us in person at the conference, we all got to listen to them speak and see them on a large screen at the same time. Amazing. Good uses of technology.

Speaking of missions conferences, Randy is winding up a week in Roswell, GA, at the annual missions conference of Fellowship Bible Church. He’s called me every day (and I’m glad because we miss each other) and said it has been a good week.

He had been asked to speak to our fellow missionaries one afternoon.We are thankful for this opportunity, and for the chance to supply those missionary friends with copies of the book, Mission as Life: Making the Kingdom of God Your Family’s Passion. Hundreds of families in the church also have the opportunity to acquire the book as well. It is our prayer that God’s people will be encouraged and challenged by reading it. We are convinced this book can be a powerful tool for the advancement of God’s Kingdom. We want to see it get into the hands, and hearts, of thousands of God’s people, and not only that, but its principles and truths put into practice by thousands of families! We all are called to be faithful to carry out God’s purposes in our generation, our lifetime. We pray this book will spur many on to that goal in their lives and the lives of their children, carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the next generation. (I guess I should add that you can read the Introduction to the book to get a taste of what it has to offer, and purchase a copy by going to or .)

Please continue to pray for us as we look to the Lord for guidance and strength in our own lives and that of Mustard Seeds and Mountains, guiding this ministry into the years ahead. Pray for our staff back in West Virginia as they carry on with their usual work and also begin the Spring Mission as Life mission trip season, starting this Sunday, March 6; and for Randy as he lends leadership to the entire ministry. It is a big responsibility. And it holds potential for great works of the Lord and much fruit. Pray with us to that end!
