Thursday, March 12, 2009

This was a week of tests. Heart tests. No, not emotional heart tests! The real thing. The thumping organ in our chests heart, without which we cannot live. I had previously mentioned I was having irregular heartbeats and went to the doctor to get checked out. I saw the cardiologist a couple weeks ago and just finished up 3 tests this week she ordered for me. In a couple more weeks I will see her for the test results. She will also send these test results to my oncologist. I am praying that if there are any serious issues they will be found, and then that God will heal them.

Every day I put myself into God’s hands, not primarily because I am suffering from serious diseases and have a desperate need for him, but because I love him and want to live my life for his glory. Why? He bought me back from the stranglehold of sin and death at tremendous cost, the blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, I do not belong to myself; I belong to God. So that is why I consciously give myself back to him.

I must not come to God just for my needs to be met. That would be self serving. One may initially come that way, to get a desperate need met. Most of us do. God is compassionate and gracious and extends himself to us to meet us where we are. But having been touched by his mercy and grace, we should move beyond only seeking for ourselves to loving and serving the Lord who bought us; we call this spiritual growth. We move from spiritual babyhood to maturity. This takes time, a lifetime.

Times like this “parenthesis” in my life because of physical challenges, and to which we all are subject, can be valuable in our movement in spiritual maturity. In fact, without them we would make little progress forward. Though our tendency is to fear and avoid suffering and difficulties in our lives, these are the very things we need to learn to embrace with joy (yes, that’s what James said!) because we know we can come out better in many ways for it (James 1:2ff; Hebrews 12: 11-13; Romans 5:3ff).

I may not be standing here shouting, “Bring it on!” when it comes to suffering various kinds of trials, yet I am trying to understand and develop a perspective and attitude of trust in my heavenly Father which fosters rest and peace in him whatever comes my way.

Having said that, there is definitely a place and time for seeking the mercies of God for our desperate needs. There are several things on my heart which I want to share with you, of the sufferings and needs of others, so that we can pray together for them. In all our trials we need the encouragement and prayers of each other.

First let me update a previous prayer request. A few weeks ago my daughter-in-law Monica sustained another injury to her right eye, damaging the cornea. Her eye is healing but her vision does get blurry when strained during her work as a nurse. She has been told she will have various problems with her eye for the rest of her life so please pray God heal it completely.

A young man I am deeply concerned for is Joel, the brother of Merilee who is on staff with Mustard Seeds and Mountains. He was recently diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. He has been very sick so please uphold him fervently. Please pray for Merilee, her family and Joel’s wife as well. This is so hard on all of them. They are walking the dark valley right now and your prayers can bring God’s light and hope to them.

Another request I have is for my son Jeremy. He flies to Denmark tomorrow (Friday March 13) for a little over a week to perform his hiphop/rap music in several venues there. He writes and performs wholesome, thought-provoking songs with messages which touch on universal themes for all people. His music often opens doors to build relationships and share his faith in Christ. Pray for his safety and openness to God’s spirit as he shares in the lives of those who enjoy his music.

Randy will be traveling next week (March 18-23) to Maryland to speak, in fact he will be speaking to groups and meeting with individuals at least 10 times in the few days he will be there. In April he drives to New Jersey to speak in a church and he flies to Montana in May to teach in a YWAM Fundamentals of Christian Community Development school. Please pray for his safety in travel as well as filling of the spirit of God for ministry to those to whom he speaks. Thank God with us for these opportunities and pray God accomplish all he desires.

And I will be flying home to West Virginia March 28, staying through April 22! I am looking forward to that. It will be so nice to see everyone again. Randy said the forsythia bushes are just beginning to bloom so they should be in their full glory while I am there! Forsythias are like floral sunshine; I love them when they bloom in March and April. They are smile makers.

I hope we all can be “smile makers” too.


1 comment:

Marsha said...

Hi Jacque,
I just came back to recheck the dates your back home. I may try to swing by on my way back from PA around the 18th of April.... not a for sure. I'd sure love to see you! I miss you my friend.