Friday, February 26, 2010

Ten days is just too short a time…to visit with family, friends and doctors. This time round I had 5 extra unanticipated doctor and test appointments! We were graciously loaned a car by Seth and Melissa, as well as had access to Jeremy and Monica’s cars so we could freely get around. Randy took me to most of my appointments so he was kept busy chauffeuring me around!

I thank the Lord the cancer doctor had no bad news for me. My cardiologist said there is no improvement in my heart function so I stay on the current heart meds. I return for checkups to both doctors in 6 months, which will be August.

My unanticipated appointments arose from having to see my primary care physician following my release from the hospital in Charlotte, NC, where I had been in ICU for 3 days. Since there was no time for seeing my doctor in WV between getting back home from NC and driving to Atlanta for our flight out to CA from there, I made an appointment with my California primary care doctor (doctors, doctors everywhere!). He ordered blood tests and a couple days later called for me to come to his office. He had inadvertently marked the box for the ovarian cancer test rather than the breast cancer test and had the results for that. Mine came back with high numbers, meaning there was the possibility I have ovarian cancer! This test gives false positives and negatives so the wise move is to have another test to further investigate. For me that was an abdominal CAT scan, which was done the next day. All went well with the test and a few days later, again to the doctor’s office. The CAT scan was normal…thank God…but my doctor said I need to have this followed up on and he recommends retesting about every 3 months.

Do I need your continued prayers? Yes! I am not worried about this but it is…unnerving, I guess I would call it. It is troubling but I am too busy living life to let this put the brakes on for me. I am concerned about continuing to suppress my immune system, which is done for the MG, because I know this makes me many more times vulnerable to sickness and disease. Healthy people get cancer! How much more could I!

Yet God is in control of all these things. He holds my life and health in His hands. I will not be shaken. “Shaken”. Don’t you just love those words and turns of phrase? I do. They, to me are rich and deep. Solid. As in a deeply dug foundation.

That’s what you need in an earthquake, a deep foundation. We experienced 3 tremors (earthquake tremors) while in CA. That can be unnerving! But we have been in much worse shaking of the ground. It has just been a few years. The second set I felt while visiting my friend in her home…whose house is built on rock. The jolt others felt wasn’t nearly such a jolt for us, I heard later. Founded on the rock. No wonder that metaphor is used so often.

I know, and daily confirm to myself and before the universe of created beings, that my life is founded on the Rock, Jesus Christ. So whatever comes along to shake my world, my life, isn’t nearly as bad as it could be. What has potential to knock me off my foundation doesn’t have that force when the “footers” of my foundation go deeply into the Rock, the Eternal Rock, the Rock of the Ages.

How do we come to that point? How do we know we are grounded in the Rock, Jesus? By doing what He says! “He who hears my words and does them, putting them into practice, is like a man who built his house on a rock…”.

Read the Word and do the “red” words. You will not be shaken.


1 comment:

Marsha said...

Jacque, your faith always inspires me. You are dearly loved.

Mike and I continue to pray for you. We look forward to seeing you in a few days.
