Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby “Heavy” Fanchi (he does have a formal name too) came for a short visit to his mom, dad, siblings and other family yesterday, October 3, 2010. We understand they had 15 minutes with him, for which they thank God, before heading right on to his final destination, his heavenly Father’s home. Of course, all here mourn his quick departure, but they were prepared ahead of time for this real possibility and have made the most of the little time allotted them with Heavy.

Thank you for praying for the Fanchi family. As you think of them in coming days, as the seasons change and express yet more wisdom of our creator God, please continue to ask our loving heavenly Father to hold them together and fill with his peace the lonely space in their lives as they grieve Heavy’s death.


1 comment:

Marsha said...

I'm so sorry for their loss, but rejoice that he is with His heavenly Father.

My prayer is that over the lifetime ahead without Heavy, the Fanchi family will continue to cling to the truth of God's character.

I'm praying right now for the truths of God's word to be front and center in their hearts and minds.

God is good and EVERYTHING He does is good. He makes NO mistakes. May they cling to that promise and trust Him. I love Psalm 73:25-28, the nearness of God is our good. He will not leave them (or us) to walk this path alone.