Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thoughts on Mark 11

Who was this anonymous donor? We are not told, but he played an important role in Jesus’ ministry. There are numerous Old Testament prophecies which were fulfilled by Jesus during his life on earth, riding a donkey into Jerusalem is just one of them. But Jesus didn’t even own a donkey. He had to borrow one.

I was struck by this account of Jesus telling two of his disciples to go into a nearby village, as they approached Jerusalem, and without asking anyone, just start untying a young donkey to bring it to Jesus. Rather audacious, don’t you think! I’m not sure I’d be too keen on doing that. I was taught to ask before taking what belongs to another. What if someone confronts them?

Sure enough, some fellows standing there said, “Hey! What do you think you’re doing untying that donkey?” Good neighbors. They weren’t going to let some strangers walk off with their friend’s transportation! You want neighbors like these guys.

Thankfully, Jesus had told the two disciples what to say if this situation came up. “Tell them the Lord has need of the donkey; and he (the owner) will let you take it with you.” Um, that’s it? Ok, Jesus. If you say so. And they did what he said, on his “say so”.

Jesus needed a donkey to fulfill prophecy. He knew this. He had studied the scriptures from the time he was a child. He knew who he was and what he had to do to accomplish the Father’s will. Somehow now, when he needed this mode of transportation, he knew where to get it.

And he got it. There was a man who knew in his heart that “the Lord” would need something from him, and he was ok with it. He immediately gave assent when the disciples declared who needed the donkey. Jesus’ need was met through the willingness of this anonymous donor.

For nearly 20 years (February 13, 1992 marks Mustard Seeds’ twenty year anniversary) Randy and I have relied on God to move the hearts of men and women like the anonymous man in Mark 11, to provide the means needed to accomplish what we discerned to be God’s will for the ministry. And Mustard Seeds has received what has been needed all these years from the hands of many donors, both anonymous and known.

Today we continue to look to the Lord to provide what is needed and he tells us to “go get the donkey”, because he needs it. And we’ve seen the need being met by the willingness of the owner of the donkey, the donors. Of course, we don’t go after literal donkeys! It is the supply of the financial and personnel needs which are most pressing in ministries of the Lord today.

We have recently been praying for God to “release” the funds, the metaphorical donkeys, needed to continue the work He is calling us to do. Rather than shrinking the ministry in these economically tight times, and Mustard Seeds has been feeling the effects like many other ministries, we are being given new vision for expanding the ministry of teaching and leading his people into deeper commitment to Kingdom lifestyles, taking it “nationwide”.

Who will join us as new donors, anonymous or otherwise, to accomplish these goals? Those men and women whose hearts have been touched by God to do whatever “the Lord” requires of them to accomplish his purposes.

Many have blessed the Lord by being ones who willingly give of their means so the Lord can fulfill his work through Mustard Seeds. They have blessed us over these 20 years, and blessed countless individuals and families both in West Virginia and those across the country who have been touched by the ministry of Mustard Seeds and Mountains.

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