Saturday, February 23, 2008

First Report after Breast Surgery

Feb 15th Update

I am home after surgery yesterday. In fact, though they admitted me as an inpatient to keep me overnight should there be any complications, I was able to come home a few hours after surgery. I was strong and didn't even need my normal meds until hours later. God was with me and answered prayer abundantly on that score.

There is disheartening news, though. The tumor was 4 cm in size, which is larger even than 2 months ago when I was diagnosed. And cancer cells were found in 2 lymph nodes which the surgeon removed. That means the cancer is spreading into my body. As to the extent and other factors, we won't know until tests come back and I meet with the surgeon on Feb 22. Further decisions will be made at that time. Pray for wisdom and direction.
Please keep praying for me. God has wonderfully brought me through the surgery (something which I dread because of the potential complications with the myasthenia). The team of doctors and nurses were wonderful and tried hard to do the best thing for me as to anesthesia and post-op care. I have needed no pain meds for which I am thankful. The follow up si crucial and we need God's intervention.

One of my best medicines is the family surrounding me, I must say. For them all I am truly thankful. Another "booster shot" for me is knowing you all are praying for me. I cannot tell you enough how important that is to me. I believe in the community of the saints. There is power when we come together before His throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. I still believe that man's extremities are God's opportunities. What is hopeless and impossible with man is not so for God, for all things are possible with God. Am I scared? Of course. Do I have anger and fears? Absolutely. I cry to the Lord who hears and understands, and who alone can do anything about them. I cast myself on his mercy. If others hadn't been in similar situations we wouldn't have the scriptures which are full of such agonies. Now I choose to affirm my faith in the God Who Is. And He highly values faith.

We are praying for his miraculous deliverance, to his glory.

Thank you for your concern and prayers of faith for me and my family. I pray God's richest blessing on you as you continue to follow Him.

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