Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I was encouraged and challenged the first day of this new year as I was reminded to be and do my very best for Jesus Christ; to be totally surrendered and obedient to Him, to put self and my desires, even the consideration of others, aside and make my consideration Jesus and His desires, His purposes. To live a life worthy of the One who gave His life for me.

Immediately I recalled Hebrews 12: 1-3 in which God’s people are called to cast aside every sin and whatever holds us back or trips us up, being aware of the presence around us of those who have preceded us who have walked by faith (Hebrews 11), and above all fix our eyes on Jesus.

I like the term “fix” our eyes on Jesus. It is a strong word and to me feels like an anchor which hooks onto something which cannot be moved and therefore holds fast even in forceful waves; fixing, riveting, our eyes on Jesus, never taking our eyes from him as we go through each day. And then the capstone of these verses, “consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (12:3).

Oh my goodness. When we get a glimpse of what the people being addressed in the book of Hebrews were going through, we realize what we face is so small in comparison! They were being persecuted, harassed, oppressed; their possessions were confiscated, they stood up for friends and family whose goods and properties were also taken away…as well as their lives. They stood in mortal danger of having their families ripped apart and being killed themselves.

I know these things are happening today in many places in the world and we must try hard to identify with and pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering various kinds of persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ. But I cannot say I have suffered such things. I have faced other sufferings but not abject fear for my life or that of my family, or even fear of my property being taken away, have you?

I am reminded of a verse God made real to me when Randy and I left everything to follow God’s call to start a ministry to the poor in West Virginia, which we named Mustard Seeds and Mountains. It was a struggle in many ways and on many levels. As I cried out to God for help and strength, in my Bible reading I came across this: “If you are slack (or faint) in the day of distress, your strength is limited (small)” Proverbs 24:10. What an indictment against my weak-kneed faith! It shouted “Buck up and be a man!” Be strong in the difficult times. God has not changed!

This verse is similar to one which has challenged us since Bible college days: “If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, how will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?” Jeremiah 12:5. In other words, if you fail the easy test, when life is not hard, how in the world will you survive when real dangers come?

Whew. We live in the “land of peace”, friends. We have yet to face tribulations. We have much to learn from our family members in Christ in other countries who are facing life and death every day for their faith in Jesus Christ. Will you or I do as well as they in the difficulties of life?

I want to live in Hebrews 12: 1-3, in the company of those who faithfully walked in the fear of the Lord, casting away from myself all that hinders that faithful walk in my life, and fix, rivet my eyes on Jesus, never forgetting what He endured, so that I will not grow weary and give up the fight!

So when I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year…this is what I have in mind for you too! May we all walk worthy of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.


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