Saturday, May 31, 2014

Carrying On

The forward movement continues, but at a snail’s pace. Because I have a life with many different things going on all at once, just like your life I’m sure, I must prioritize activities. There are some things which simply must be done (laundry, doctor’s appointments, etc.) and the other things, like writing, fitted in around them. Writing is a discipline for those who have always had the inner urge to write; much more so for people like me who are new to the craft and never was one to naturally journal. At least that’s what I tell myself.

Over the past weeks, necessities like business and medical travel for doctor’s appointments, the ones which call for me to drive 3 hours to keep the appointment (I have three specialists in southern Cal for very good reasons), have kept me away from home. But I was still posting, for the most part. But though I am a person of words, ie: words are important to me, and as a writer, the right words are important to me, I am not a person of a lot of words in conversation. Though I have had my times of wordy conversation since gaining strength for talking (and I always feel a bit guilty for talking so much), I am not like some who can talk non-stop for long stretches of time. I run out of words.

Since I don’t like to fill the air with word noise—words that have no use to the hearers—sometimes I just don’t post on my blog. I figure if your life is like mine, it is full enough; you don’t need to add blather to it when there are more important things to do with your time. So I do try to say things that have significance to me, hoping it will also be significant to you.

So, having said that, I hope you will continue to tune in whenever I post. I am working toward getting my book “blogged”, though I am cheating a bit since I have already written much of it. I will not be writing it (as in creating it) as I post, rather I will post small chunks each week of what I have already written.  (I got this fantastic idea of blogging my book from author Nina Amir who wrote, what else, “How to Blog a Book”. She was one of the presenters at our book club’s annual spring workshop.) I won’t post all the parts of my book, but enough to hopefully whet readers' appetites for more.

When I’ve blogged as much of it as I think appropriate, I will be publishing it in book form. I’ve been looking into various publishing options and talking with publishing representatives. I am hoping by this fall to make my final decision and get published! Prayers for guidance and all that good stuff are certainly welcome.

Now go have a good weekend.

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