Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I told Randy I felt like I was treading water. Well, the actual words I used were “dog paddling”. The picture in my mind was of me doing the dog paddle just to keep my head above water.

The conversation was about three of our grandkids’ swimming lessons which Randy had the fun of sitting in on yesterday. All three love to swim. Emmanuel, our 8 year old grandson who doesn’t have an ounce of fat on his body, has a hard time staying afloat but he loves to swim. I mentioned I was the same way as a kid.

That’s when the picture in my mind was of me dog paddling, treading water really, because dogs can actually get somewhere, I usually didn’t. Tiring just to think of it. I was not a good floater on my backside either because, believe it or not, I didn’t have an ounce of fat on me then, just like my grandson! My legs simply sank, and then the rest of me followed. I did a lot of swimming underwater.

But as I said that to Randy about dog paddling, my mind did an immediate switch to my current state of treading water, so to speak, when it comes to my book writing. Or more precisely, my book marketing. One must be a marketer and not just a writer these days! The more I wade into this pool of information, the deeper the metaphorical water gets! Anyone have a snorkel I can borrow?

My goal, so innocently set just in the last few months, is to get published … or seriously start the process, this year. The more I inform myself, the deeper the water seems to get.

I’m staying calm. So far. I’m going to try to turn on my back and float awhile now.

Talk to you later. I have to concentrate. 

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